Change of fees – Health insurance for foreigners

Oto Kohút - konateľ spoločnosti vízum sk

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+421 910 550 005

Do you have questions? Contact us.

Dear clients,

We would like to inform you about the upcoming change in fees for travel and health insurance services for foreigners, which we bring to you and mediate through the company AXA Assistance.

Starting next week, the company will increase the current fees as follows:

Service package Urgent care - fee increase by 25%
Package of services Comprehensive care (except the Matka variant) – fee increase by 20%

This change will take place on 12.06.2023, no later than 15.06.2023.

If you are interested in taking out health insurance, do so as soon as possible before the stated deadline, so that we can provide you with the product at the original price.

Yours sincerely,
the Ví team

zmena poplatkov poistenia

Change of fees – Health insurance for foreigners

Dear clients,

We would like to inform you about the upcoming change in fees for travel and health insurance services for foreigners, which we bring to you and mediate through the company AXA Assistance.

Starting next week, the company will increase the current fees as follows:

Service package Urgent care - fee increase by 25%
Package of services Comprehensive care (except the Matka variant) – fee increase by 20%

This change will take place on 12.06.2023, no later than 15.06.2023.

If you are interested in taking out health insurance, do so as soon as possible before the stated deadline, so that we can provide you with the product at the original price.

Yours sincerely,
the Ví team

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