Change in the law - business

Oto Kohút - konateľ spoločnosti vízum sk

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Dear clients,

we would like to inform you about the validity of the new amendments to Act No. 150/2022 Coll 01.06.2023that there has been a change in the management of the commercial register:

- keeps the business register for the district of the Regional Court in Bratislava City Court Bratislava III 
(originally District Court Bratislava I)
- keeps the business register for the district of the Regional Court in Košice Košice City Court 
(originally District Court Košice I)

We would like to warn you, unless you have already done so, that it is must be stated in the invoices and other business documents registration number and designation of the register that registered the entrepreneur in the business records.

If you indicate in your documents the original court that keeps your company's registration in the ORSR, it is necessary to change this information from 1.6.2023 to the current one.

From 01.06.2023, it is necessary to indicate the new name of the commercial register according to affiliation as stated in the statement above on your invoices and documents. If you cannot make the change yourself, contact your accountant or billing system provider.

Thank you for your attention.

Yours sincerely,
the Ví team

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Change in the law - business

Dear clients,

we would like to inform you about the validity of the new amendments to Act No. 150/2022 Coll 01.06.2023that there has been a change in the management of the commercial register:

- keeps the business register for the district of the Regional Court in Bratislava City Court Bratislava III 
(originally District Court Bratislava I)
- keeps the commercial register for the district of the Regional Court in Košice Košice City Court 
(originally District Court Košice I)

We would like to warn you, unless you have already done so, that it is must be stated in the invoices and other business documents registration number and designation of the register that registered the entrepreneur in the business records.

If you indicate in your documents the original court that keeps your company's registration in the ORSR, it is necessary to change this information from 1.6.2023 to the current one.

From 01.06.2023, it is necessary to indicate the new name of the commercial register according to affiliation as stated in the statement above on your invoices and documents. If you cannot make the change yourself, contact your accountant or billing system provider.

Thank you for your attention.

Yours sincerely,
the Ví team

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