Reopening of the Foreign Police Department

Oto Kohút - konateľ spoločnosti vízum sk

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Dear clients, 

The Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic informed on 13.10.2023 on the resumption of operation of all workplaces of the Aliens Police Department as of 16.10.2023. Below is the official press release of the Ministry of the Interior.

From Monday 16 October 2023, the Office of the Border and Aliens Police of the Presidium of the Police Corps will open the websites of all departments of the Aliens Police. The paging offices will operate in the standard mode, so they will once again handle all foreigners who are booked through the booking system. 

Office of Border and Alien Police of the Presidium of the Police Corps draws attention to the provision § 131k (1) of the Act on the Residence of Aliens:  "Pland the period of residence is automatically extended until the expiry of two months after the emergency situation in connection with the mass influx of foreigners to the territory of the Slovak Republic caused by the armed conflict on the territory of Ukraine has been lifted". This means that foreigners who need to apply for a renewal of their residence may do so even after the expiry of the period of validity of the residence originally granted.

The reason for limiting the operation of the site workplaces of the Foreign Police Departments of the Police Corps was the necessity to perform tasks related to an increase in illegal migration on the territory of the Slovak Republic and the reintroduction of border controls with Hungary.

Source: Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic - Press releases (

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Reopening of the Foreign Police Department

Dear clients, 

The Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic informed on 13.10.2023 on the resumption of operation of all workplaces of the Aliens Police Department as of 16.10.2023. Below is the official press release of the Ministry of the Interior.

From Monday 16 October 2023, the Office of the Border and Aliens Police of the Presidium of the Police Corps will open the websites of all departments of the Aliens Police. The paging offices will operate in the standard mode, so they will once again handle all foreigners who are booked through the booking system. 

Office of Border and Alien Police of the Presidium of the Police Corps draws attention to the provision § 131k (1) of the Act on the Residence of Aliens:  "Pland the period of residence is automatically extended until the expiry of two months after the emergency situation in connection with the mass influx of foreigners to the territory of the Slovak Republic caused by the armed conflict on the territory of Ukraine has been lifted". This means that foreigners who need to apply for a renewal of their residence may do so even after the expiry of the period of validity of the residence originally granted.

The reason for limiting the operation of the site workplaces of the Foreign Police Departments of the Police Corps was the necessity to perform tasks related to an increase in illegal migration on the territory of the Slovak Republic and the reintroduction of border controls with Hungary.

Source: Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic - Press releases (

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