Registration of a citizen of the European Union

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Registration of a citizen of the European Union

Residence permit of a citizen of a member state of the European Union

Slovakia is a member of the European Union (EU) and therefore provides its citizens, as well as citizens of other EU member states, the right to move freely and settle on its territory. This article provides a detailed overview of how EU citizens can obtain registration in Slovakia and what their rights are.

Citizens of the European Union (EU) have the right to move freely and settle in any EU member state. One of the important aspects of this right is the registration of a citizen of the European Union in the country to which they move. Registration as a citizen of the European Union is essential for access to various services and rights, such as health care, employment and social security. In this article, we will look at the general steps and requirements for registering an EU citizen in another member country.

Registration of a citizen of the European Union (hereinafter referred to as an "EU citizen") in Slovakia is a process by which an EU citizen becomes registered in the Slovak Republic and thus acquires certain rights and obligations in accordance with the law. An EU citizen who resides on the territory of the Slovak Republic for longer than 90 days must submit an application for registration.

Rights of an EU citizen registered in Slovakia

Registration of residence in Slovakia provides you as an EU citizen with several rights and benefits, including:

  • Right to employment and business: You can work or do business in Slovakia without the need to obtain a work permit.
  • Access to social services and benefits: You have the same access to social services, benefits and support as citizens of Slovakia.
  • Access to education: You can study at Slovak schools and universities under the same conditions as local students.
  • Possibility to apply for permanent residence: After five years of continuous residence in Slovakia, you can apply for permanent residence.

Residence registration is a necessary step for EU citizens who want to settle in Slovakia for the long term. It is a relatively simple process that allows you to legally live and work in Slovakia, as well as to use various social and educational services.

It is important to note that some requirements and documents may differ depending on the length of stay and purpose of stay in Slovakia. 

Registration of an EU citizen in another member country is a fundamental step to ensure full use of the rights and benefits offered by the EU. Although the procedures may differ from country to country, the basic principles remain the same: registration is essential for legal residence, access to services and full integration into the new country. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with the specific requirements of the host country and ensure that all necessary documents are prepared and submitted on time.

Needed documents

To submit an application, it is necessary:

How can we help you?

Process acceleration

Directing the client where to apply for which documents, how to properly endorse them with the necessary clause or how to properly translate the document officially.

Elaboration of documentation

We will prepare a complete file for you, which you just need to submit to the Aliens Police Department.

Establishment of a company or trade

We will create your company, whose manager and owner you will become on the day of granting temporary residence. Without the need for the composition of the share capital.


From the submission of the application, we will take over the entire process into our own hands and, if necessary, our personal assistant will represent you directly at the offices.

Why choose the services of experts?

The most common problem for foreigners when submitting an application is incomplete documentation, incorrect, incorrectly verified or officially incorrectly translated into the Slovak language. Another problem can be communication with authorities, where there is often a communication barrier. 

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