Thailand - Change in visa fees

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From June 2023, Thailand imposes a new visa fee for all tourists in the reasonable amount of EUR 8 (according to the current exchange rate). 

Thailand's Tourism Minister Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn has announced that the new fee will come into effect in June 2023, although it is still awaiting government approval.

A fee of 300 Thai baht (approximately 8 euros) will apply to all foreign tourists arriving in the country from June 2023. The fee is expected to support the development of tourism and also contribute to the medical costs of tourists who are injured while in Thailand.

It remains valid that visa applications are submitted electronically. Therefore, it is not currently known whether this fee will be required to be paid during the visa application itself or upon entry into the country. Since the Thai government has not yet published the exact payment procedure for this fee. 

In the case of new information about the introduction of this fee, we will inform clients through the next blog.

Yours sincerely, 
the Ví team

Source: TASR



Thailand - Change in visa fees

From June 2023, Thailand imposes a new visa fee for all tourists in the reasonable amount of EUR 8 (according to the current exchange rate). 

Thailand's Tourism Minister Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn has announced that the new fee will come into effect in June 2023, although it is still awaiting government approval.

A fee of 300 Thai baht (approximately 8 euros) will apply to all foreign tourists arriving in the country from June 2023. The fee is expected to support the development of tourism and also contribute to the medical costs of tourists who are injured while in Thailand.

It remains valid that visa applications are submitted electronically. Therefore, it is not currently known whether this fee will be required to be paid during the visa application itself or upon entry into the country. Since the Thai government has not yet published the exact payment procedure for this fee. 

In the case of new information about the introduction of this fee, we will inform clients through the next blog.

Yours sincerely, 
the Ví team

Source: TASR


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