Our team

meet the team that will take care of you

Contact to professionals

Oto Kohút

Oto Kohút

CEO, Consultant

Founder of the company and senior consultant in the field of migration and visa matters. He has been in business for more than 10 years. He has been fully engaged in consulting and advisory activities in the field of migration since 2018. He decided to establish this company to support and help people in the field of residency of foreigners. He has successfully advised to establish a stable transport company in the capital of the Slovak Republic. His strong character traits include communication, empathy and solidarity.

Dana Marie Gábová

Dana Marie Gábová

Office Assistant

An integral part of our team, which takes care of the first contact with clients. She graduated from a bilingual business academy and uses her knowledge of administration and accounting right here. She worked for a long time in Spain, where she worked with foreign people, and therefore she can find a common language with everyone, regardless of their age or profession, and she is always happy to answer all questions, even in English or Spanish.

Camilla Driscoll

Camilla Driscoll

Consultant for Middle East/UAE

Camilla is our reliable partner in communication with clients in the countries of the Middle East, primarily India and the United Arab Emirates. Most of the time she works abroad, ensures communication and contractual relations with applicants from these countries. She has more than 16 years of experience in sales and business development, cash-flow, financial planning and production. She cooperated with various foreign companies where she gained experience and important know-how in the field of business management.

Marek Straka

Marek Straka

Business Consultant

I have been working in the field of strategic business management and management consulting for over 10 years and have more than 6 years of business experience. His primary focus is activities such as corporate strategies and business strategies, data analytics and business models. I worked from micro-firm projects to medium-sized enterprises to corporations and the state sector. During my time, I went through various industries such as construction, retail, energy (PHM distribution), digital platforms and finance. After finishing my work in the big four (Big4), I do current strategic consulting for companies as a business consultant and continue to help in the development of companies and their projects.

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