Permanent residence

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Permanent residence

Long-term residence of third-country nationals

Permanent residence of foreigners in Slovakia is a key step for foreigners who decide to live and work in this country for a long time. The permanent residence of foreigners offers security and legal stability, which allows them to integrate into society and fulfill their life plans. The article will focus on the rights, obligations and process of obtaining permanent residence of foreigners in Slovakia.

Obtaining permanent residence for foreigners in Slovakia provides the foreigner with stability and legal security for a long-term stay. This status is an important step for those who want to live and work in Slovakia long-term, whether for work, family or other personal reasons. It also supports the integration of foreigners into Slovak society and contributes to the multicultural diversity of the country.

Who can apply for permanent residence of foreigners?

You can apply for permanent residence in Slovakia by:

  • a third-country national who is the spouse of a citizen of the Slovak Republic.
  • a third-country national who is the child of a citizen of the Slovak Republic.
  • a third-country national who has been living and working in Slovakia legally and for a long time.
  • a third-country national who has other legitimate grounds for permanent residence (e.g. humanitarian grounds)

Types of permanent residence

  1. Permanent residence for five years: This is the first stage of permanent residence that a foreigner can obtain after meeting the legal conditions.
  2. Unlimited permanent residence: After five years of permanent residence, the foreigner may apply for indefinite permanent residence, which is valid for an unlimited period of time.

Requirements for permanent residence

To obtain permanent residence, you must meet a number of requirements:

  • Valid passport.
  • Proof of legal residence in Slovakia.
  • Proof of health insurance.
  • Proof of funds to cover your stay.
  • Integrity (criminal record).
  • Proof of accommodation in Slovakia.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How long does it take to process a permanent residence application?

  • The application process can take several months, so it is important to start preparing the documents well in advance.

Can I work in Slovakia as a permanent resident?

  • Yes, permanent residence holders have the right to work in Slovakia without the need for further permits.

Can I travel to other EU countries with permanent residence in Slovakia?

  • Holders of permanent residence in Slovakia can travel to other EU countries for short stays (up to 90 days) without the need for a visa.

Permanent residence of foreigners in Slovakia is a process that provides foreigners with long-term residence rights and integration security. It is related to certain obligations that are part of their obligations towards the Slovak state and society. Obtaining permanent residence is an important step for foreigners who decide to settle and live in Slovakia for a long time.

Needed documents

To submit an application, it is necessary:

How can we help you?

Process acceleration

Directing the client where to apply for which documents, how to properly endorse them with the necessary clause or how to properly translate the document officially.

Elaboration of documentation

We will prepare a complete file for you, which you just need to submit to the Aliens Police Department.

Legalisation of civil registry documents

We can help you legalise or recognise foreign official documents for use in your application for family reunification to obtain permanent residence.

Personal assistance

After submitting the application, we will take over the entire process and, if necessary, our personal assistant will guide you during the visit of the foreign police.

Why choose the services of experts?

The most frequent problem of foreigners when submitting an application is incomplete documentation, incorrect, incorrectly certified or officially badly translated into Slovak language. Another problem can be communication with the authorities, where there is often a communication barrier. We will accompany you throughout the process and communicate with the authorities.

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