Temporary residence - business (s.r.o.)

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Temporary stay - Business (company)

Residence permit for business in the form of a limited liability company

In today's era of globalization and growing economy, more and more people are interested in doing business abroad. The Slovak Republic is one of the countries that offers opportunities for entrepreneurs from abroad. In order for foreigners to legally do business in Slovakia, they must obtain a residence permit for the purpose of doing business. In this article, we will talk more about what the conditions are for granting this permit and how the process of applying for it takes place.

Who is entitled to a residence permit for the purpose of doing business?

A residence permit for the purpose of doing business can be granted to foreigners who plan to engage in self-employment or another type of business activity in Slovakia.

The process of applying for a residence permit for the purpose of doing business

The process of applying for a residence permit for the purpose of doing business consists of several steps:

  • A foreigner must first make a business plan, which he will submit when applying for a residence permit for the purpose of doing business. The business plan should contain information about business activities, planned investments and employees.
  • Subsequently, it is necessary to submit an application for a residence permit for the purpose of doing business at the relevant foreigner's office or Slovak consular representation in the country of origin.
  • The application must include complete documentation, including a business plan, proof of funds and other required documents (eg criminal record, proof of education, etc.).
  • If the application is approved, the foreigner will receive a residence permit for the purpose of doing business valid for up to two years (with the possibility of extension).

Conditions for granting permission

A residence permit for the purpose of doing business can only be granted if:

  • the seriousness and feasibility of the business plan is demonstrable
  • the applicant proves sufficient financial resources for the implementation of the business plan
  • the applicant fulfills all other requirements established by Slovak law

Rights and obligations of a foreigner with a residence permit for the purpose of doing business

A foreigner with a residence permit for the purpose of doing business has the right to conduct business in Slovakia in accordance with his business plan and applicable laws. At the same time, he also has the obligation to comply with all rules and regulations regarding business, employment and residence in Slovakia.


A residence permit for the purpose of doing business is essential for foreigners who want to start their own business in Slovakia. The application process can be complex and requires thorough preparation, but if you follow the correct procedure and meet all the requirements, it is possible to succeed and start a new life as an entrepreneur in the Slovak Republic.

Needed documents

To submit an application, it is necessary:

How can we help you?

Process acceleration

Directing the client where to apply for which documents, how to properly endorse them with the necessary clause or how to properly translate the document officially.

Elaboration of documentation

We will prepare a complete file for you, which you just need to submit to the Aliens Police Department.

Establishment of a company or trade

We will create your company of which you will become the managing director and owner on the day of granting temporary residence. Without the need to deposit the share capital.

Personal assistance

After submitting the application, we will take over the entire process and, if necessary, our personal assistant will guide you during the visit of the foreign police.

Why choose the services of experts?

The most frequent problem of foreigners when submitting an application is incomplete documentation, incorrect, incorrectly certified or officially badly translated into Slovak language. Another problem can be communication with the authorities, where there is often a communication barrier. We will accompany you throughout the process and communicate with the authorities.

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