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Dear clients, 
we bring you an updated article on the current situation related to the closure of the Aliens Police Department. Follow this article regularly for the latest information.

Updated 06.10.2023:

The Office of Border and Alien Police of the Police Presidium extends the restriction of operation of all the site workplaces of the Alien Police Departments of the Police Presidium until 15 October 2023. This is due to the persistent need to meet the challenges related to the increase of illegal migration on the territory of the Slovak Republic and the resumption of border controls with Hungary.

A review of the continued operation of the sites will be announced by the police in a week's time.

However, the following groups of foreigners will continue to be processed at the OCP PZ:

  1. Students who are entering their first year of secondary school or university and are already booked through the booking system,
  2. applicants for national visas in the interest of the Slovak Republic who are already booked through the reservation system,
  3. applicants for temporary residence for the purpose of employment in the territory of the Slovak Republic booked through the reservation system,
  4. applicants for temporary refuge in the Slovak Republic.

Other applicants may be accommodated, if they are already booked through the reservation system and apply for an exemption to the relevant Border and Aliens Police Directorate of the Presidium of the PZ for equipment and have objective reasons for doing so. For example, the following categories of persons may be involved:

  • foreign nationals who need a new residence permit,
  • foreigners whose D visas expire at the time of the restriction of stall workplaces in connection with their applications for residence in the Slovak Republic,
  • persons legally residing in the territory of the Slovak Republic on the basis of the provisions of § 131j(2) of the Act on the Residence of Aliens related to the crisis situation caused by COVID-19, have been booked until 15 October 2023 and need to apply for a stay,
  • cases of family reunification to persons who have already received an exemption,
  • other cases where there are objective reasons for doing so.


Updated 28.09.2023:

The Office of Border and Alien Police of the Police Presidium extends the restriction of operation of all the sites of the Alien Police Departments of the Police until 8 October 2023 due to the persistent need to perform tasks related to the enormous increase of illegal migration on the territory of the Slovak Republic.

However, the following groups of foreigners will continue to be processed at the OCP PZ:

  1. Students entering their first year of secondary school or university and already booked through the booking system,
  2. applicants for national visas in the interest of the Slovak Republic who are already booked through the reservation system,
  3. applicants for temporary refuge in the Slovak Republic.

The following categories of persons will continue to be handled by the Office of the Border and Aliens Police of the Presidium of the Police Corps expands by another category, about:

- applicants for temporary residence for the purpose of employment in the territory of the Slovak Republic and are already booked through the booking system.

Office of Border and Alien Police of the Presidium of the Police Corps draws attention to the provision § 131k (1) of the Act on the Residence of Aliens "the validity of the stay is automatically extended until the expiry of two months from the withdrawal of the emergency situation in connection with the mass influx of foreigners to the territory of the Slovak Republic caused by the armed conflict on the territory of Ukraine". In connection with this provision, we would like to ask foreigners to wait before applying for renewal of temporary residence in the territory of the Slovak Republic. At the same time, we would ask foreigners to be patient with this situation and urge them not to burden the Border and Aliens Police Directorates of the Presidium of the Police Corps with requests for exemptions unless it is really necessary.

We would especially like to draw your attention to the fact that due to construction works at the Aliens Police Department of the Police Force Ruzomberok this department will be on 2-4 October 2023 completely closed. Groups of persons for whom exceptions for processing apply and are booked for appointments on these days will be processed only on 5 to 6 October 2023, and it is necessary to contact the Directorate of Border and Alien Police of the Presidium of the Police Corps Banská bystrica by email (rcpbb@minv.sk) for an alternative date.

Original Report:

From 11 to 30 September 2023, the Office of the Border and Aliens Police of the Presidium of the Police Corps will close the workplaces of all departments of the Aliens Police of the Police Corps due to the necessity to perform tasks related to the enormous increase of illegal migration on the territory of the Slovak Republic.

In connection with the above, however, the OCP PZ will continue to handle the following groups of foreigners:

  • Students entering their first year of secondary school or university and already booked through the booking system,
  • applicants for national visas in the interest of the Slovak Republic who are already booked through the reservation system,
  • applicants for temporary refuge in the territory of the Slovak Republic.

All other foreigners who are already booked through the reservation system and for whom there are reasons of special consideration where it will be necessary to apply for a residence permit or a new residence permit, may apply by email to the relevant Border and Immigration Police Directorate for granting of an exemption for the submission of the application. Otherwise, they will have to re-book through the online booking system for new appointments. There is no need to cancel the original dates separately, this will be done automatically.


Possible expiry of stay during the planned closure of the PZ Foreign Police departments is not a cause for concern, since according to the provision § 131k (1) of the Act on the Residence of Aliens the validity of the stay is automatically extended until the expiry of two months after the emergency situation in connection with the mass influx of foreigners to the territory of the Slovak Republic caused by the armed conflict in the territory of Ukraine is lifted.  

If there is no reduction in irregular migration after 30 September 2023, we will inform the public in due course about further measures.

We will keep the report up to date.

Source : https://www.minv.sk/?tlacove-spravy-2&sprava=strankove-pracoviska-cudzineckej-policie-od-11-do-30-septembra-budu-poskytovat-sluzby-v-obmedzenom-rezime

uzatvorenie stránkových pracovísk OCP PZ

Closure of OCP PZ sites

Dear clients, 
we bring you an updated article on the current situation related to the closure of the Aliens Police Department. Follow this article regularly for the latest information.

Updated 06.10.2023:

The Office of Border and Alien Police of the Police Presidium extends the restriction of operation of all the site workplaces of the Alien Police Departments of the Police Presidium until 15 October 2023. This is due to the persistent need to meet the challenges related to the increase of illegal migration on the territory of the Slovak Republic and the resumption of border controls with Hungary.

A review of the continued operation of the sites will be announced by the police in a week's time.

However, the following groups of foreigners will continue to be processed at the OCP PZ:

  1. Students who are entering their first year of secondary school or university and are already booked through the booking system,
  2. applicants for national visas in the interest of the Slovak Republic who are already booked through the reservation system,
  3. applicants for temporary residence for the purpose of employment in the territory of the Slovak Republic booked through the reservation system,
  4. applicants for temporary refuge in the Slovak Republic.

Other applicants may be accommodated, if they are already booked through the reservation system and apply for an exemption to the relevant Border and Aliens Police Directorate of the Presidium of the PZ for equipment and have objective reasons for doing so. For example, the following categories of persons may be involved:

  • foreign nationals who need a new residence permit,
  • foreigners whose D visas expire at the time of the restriction of stall workplaces in connection with their applications for residence in the Slovak Republic,
  • persons legally residing in the territory of the Slovak Republic on the basis of the provisions of § 131j(2) of the Act on the Residence of Aliens related to the crisis situation caused by COVID-19, have been booked until 15 October 2023 and need to apply for a stay,
  • cases of family reunification to persons who have already received an exemption,
  • other cases where there are objective reasons for doing so.


Updated 28.09.2023:

The Office of Border and Alien Police of the Police Presidium extends the restriction of operation of all the sites of the Alien Police Departments of the Police until 8 October 2023 due to the persistent need to perform tasks related to the enormous increase of illegal migration on the territory of the Slovak Republic.

However, the following groups of foreigners will continue to be processed at the OCP PZ:

  1. Students entering their first year of secondary school or university and already booked through the booking system,
  2. applicants for national visas in the interest of the Slovak Republic who are already booked through the reservation system,
  3. applicants for temporary refuge in the Slovak Republic.

The following categories of persons will continue to be handled by the Office of the Border and Aliens Police of the Presidium of the Police Corps expands by another category, about:

 applicants for temporary residence for the purpose of employment in the territory of the Slovak Republic and are already booked through the booking system.

Office of Border and Alien Police of the Presidium of the Police Corps draws attention to the provision § 131k (1) of the Act on the Residence of Aliens "the validity of the stay is automatically extended until the expiry of two months from the withdrawal of the emergency situation in connection with the mass influx of foreigners to the territory of the Slovak Republic caused by the armed conflict on the territory of Ukraine". In connection with this provision, we would like to ask foreigners to wait before applying for renewal of temporary residence in the territory of the Slovak Republic. At the same time, we would ask foreigners to be patient with this situation and urge them not to burden the Border and Aliens Police Directorates of the Presidium of the Police Corps with requests for exemptions unless it is really necessary.

We would especially like to draw your attention to the fact that due to construction works at the Aliens Police Department of the Police Force Ruzomberok this department will be on 2-4 October 2023 completely closed. Groups of persons for whom exceptions for processing apply and are booked for appointments on these days will be processed only on 5 to 6 October 2023, and it is necessary to contact the Directorate of Border and Alien Police of the Presidium of the Police Corps Banská bystrica by email (rcpbb@minv.sk) for an alternative date.

Original Report:

From 11 to 30 September 2023, the Office of the Border and Aliens Police of the Presidium of the Police Corps will close the workplaces of all departments of the Aliens Police of the Police Corps due to the necessity to perform tasks related to the enormous increase of illegal migration on the territory of the Slovak Republic.

In connection with the above, however, the OCP PZ will continue to handle the following groups of foreigners:

  • Students entering their first year of secondary school or university and already booked through the booking system,
  • applicants for national visas in the interest of the Slovak Republic who are already booked through the reservation system,
  • applicants for temporary refuge in the territory of the Slovak Republic.

All other foreigners who are already booked through the reservation system and for whom there are reasons of special consideration where it will be necessary to apply for a residence permit or a new residence permit, may apply by email to the relevant Border and Immigration Police Directorate for granting of an exemption for the submission of the application. Otherwise, they will have to re-book through the online booking system for new appointments. There is no need to cancel the original dates separately, this will be done automatically.


Possible expiry of stay during the planned closure of the PZ Foreign Police departments is not a cause for concern, since according to the provision § 131k (1) of the Act on the Residence of Aliens the validity of the stay is automatically extended until the expiry of two months after the emergency situation in connection with the mass influx of foreigners to the territory of the Slovak Republic caused by the armed conflict in the territory of Ukraine is lifted.  

If there is no reduction in irregular migration after 30 September 2023, we will inform the public in due course about further measures.

We will keep the report up to date.

Source : https://www.minv.sk/?tlacove-spravy-2&sprava=strankove-pracoviska-cudzineckej-policie-od-11-do-30-septembra-budu-poskytovat-sluzby-v-obmedzenom-rezime

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