The Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic announces upcoming changes in the reservation system of the Foreign Police, which since the beginning of August has faced an onslaught of complaints from foreigners as well as media pressure due to its non-functionality or inability to book appointments.
The draft amendment to the Act on the Residence of Aliens aims at introducing the computerisation of the processes of registration of aliens in the framework of the residency agenda, which will result in speeding up and simplifying communication between the administrative authority and the foreigner, reducing the administrative burden and reducing the risk of corruption.
According to the wording of the amendment to the Act on the Residence of Aliens, a new reservation system and an electronic system for communication with the Aliens Police will be introduced, whereby when renewing a residence permit, submitting an application for long-term residence or registering a Union citizen, it will be possible to submit the application electronically in addition to personal submission. According to the available information, the foreigner will have to authorise such actions by means of his/her residence document (ID card).
The Ministry also informed about the introduction of the system, which will release dates to the booking system according to life event and type or category of residence permit. For example, for students, the system will open new terms in September, when the school year starts.
In addition to the above changes, the amendment to the Act modifies the recently modified (amendment of the law of 14.07.2024) obligation of legal entities to submit a bank account statement for three months, which will replace the original bank account balance certificate.
We can expect the introduction of changes in the reservation system from 15.12.2024, due to the approved shortened legislative procedure of the amendment to the Act on the residence of foreigners No. 404/2011 of 14.11.2024.
Consolidated text of the amendment to the Act on the Residence of Aliens:
§ 19 Invitation verification
(7) The ability to cover all costs related to the stay and departure of the invited third-country national shall be covered by the inviting physical the person proves by a statement of account for the last three months kept in a bank, a branch of a foreign bank or a foreign bank (hereinafter referred to as "the bank") in his name..; if the inviting person is a legal person, the ability to cover all the costs related to the stay and travel of the invited third-country national is evidenced by a bank balance statement.
§ 34 Renewal of residence
(2) An application for renewal of temporary residence shall be submitted by the third-country national in person on an official form at a police department or through an electronic service established for that purpose at the latest on the last day of validity of the temporary stay. The application for renewal of the temporary residence pursuant to Section 23(4) shall be submitted by the third-country national in person on an official form at the police in the department or through an electronic service established for that purpose no later than 30 days before the expiry of the temporary stay granted. A third-country national referred to in Section 27 who, due to statelessness, is unable to submit an application for renewal of a temporary residence in person, may submit an application on behalf of the third-country national with whom he or she is seeking family reunification. The third-country national shall submit a valid travel document with the application for renewal of temporary residence, otherwise the police department shall not accept the application. The application for renewal of temporary residence pursuant to Section 23(1) shall also not be accepted by the police department if the Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family has not delivered to the police department a confirmation of the possibility of filling the vacancy, which contains an agreement to fill it, or if more than 90 days have elapsed since the issue of such a confirmation. The police department shall issue a confirmation of receipt to the applicant on the date of the application.
§ 34 Renewal of the Blue Card
(2) The application for renewal of the Blue Card shall be submitted by the third-country national in person at the police in the department or through an electronic service established for that purpose at the latest on the last day of validity of the Blue Card. The application for renewal of the Blue Card of a third-country national who has held the Blue Card for less than 12 months shall not be accepted by the police department only if the Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family has not delivered to the police department a confirmation of the possibility of filling a vacancy corresponding to a highly skilled job,64) which contains an agreement to fill it, or if more than 90 days have elapsed since the issuance of such a confirmation.
§ 47 Permanent residence for an indefinite period
An application for permanent residence for an indefinite period is made by the third-country national in person on an official form at a police station or through an electronic service established for that purpose; a third-country national who is unable to apply in person because of his or her state of statelessness may be represented by a member of his or her family. The police department shall issue a receipt to the applicant on the day the application is lodged.
§ 66 Citizen of the Union
(1) A citizen of the Union who has been residing in the territory of the Slovak Republic for more than three months shall be obliged to apply for registration of residence in the territory of the Slovak Republic. The application for registration of residence shall be submitted on an official form in person at a police department or through an electronic service established for that purpose within 30 days of the expiry of three months from the date of entry into the territory of the Slovak Republic.
§ 73 Proof of residence
(1) The police department shall issue the third-country national with a residence document within 30 days of:
(c) submitting an application for a residence permit,; if the application for a residence permit is made by means of an electronic service established for that purpose, the residence document shall be issued within 30 days after the alien's biometric data has been captured,
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