Establishment of new representative offices of the Slovak Republic

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Pursuant to the press release of the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, we bring you an article about the current and most important changes in the scope of Slovak embassies. On 28 August 2024, the Government of the Slovak Republic approved the establishment of new embassies, namely the Embassy in Malaysia, the Embassy in Tanzania, the Embassy in Algeria and the Embassy in the Philippines. A liaison office will also be established in Ethiopia. The establishment of these representative offices of the Slovak Republic will start from 01.09.2024, so there is an assumption that in 2025 we can expect the start of the operation of the new offices in the mentioned countries. The allocation of territorial affiliations of the surrounding countries is not yet known, but we can assume that the mentioned representative offices will also represent the surrounding countries.

We welcome this step of the ministry, and in the future it could lighten the scope of, for example, the embassy in Kenya, which is responsible for Tanzania and neighboring countries. We firmly believe that this step of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be a great benefit for foreign policy, not least for Slovak citizens and foreigners who are interested in using relocation from these countries. 

At the same time, it is important to inform that according to the approved material, on 31 December 2024, the closure of the Slovak embassies in Denmark and Norway, the consulates general in Krakow and St. Petersburg and the liaison office in Kosovo. 

However, services for the citizens of the Slovak Republic and diplomatic relations will remain as part of operations from specific embassies of the Slovak Republic in neighboring countries.

We will continuously inform you about the current changes in our articles in the future and individually after the establishment and launch of the representative office.

Source: Press releases of MZVaEZ SR

ministerstvo zahraničných vecí zriadenie nových zastupiteľských úradov

Establishment of new representative offices of the Slovak Republic

Pursuant to the press release of the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, we bring you an article about the current and most important changes in the scope of Slovak embassies. On 28 August 2024, the Government of the Slovak Republic approved the establishment of new embassies, namely the Embassy in Malaysia, the Embassy in Tanzania, the Embassy in Algeria and the Embassy in the Philippines. A liaison office will also be established in Ethiopia. The establishment of these representative offices of the Slovak Republic will start from 01.09.2024, so there is an assumption that in 2025 we can expect the start of the operation of the new offices in the mentioned countries. The allocation of territorial affiliations of the surrounding countries is not yet known, but we can assume that the mentioned representative offices will also represent the surrounding countries.

We welcome this step of the ministry, and in the future it could lighten the scope of, for example, the embassy in Kenya, which is responsible for Tanzania and neighboring countries. We firmly believe that this step of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be a great benefit for foreign policy, not least for Slovak citizens and foreigners who are interested in using relocation from these countries. 

At the same time, it is important to inform that according to the approved material, on 31 December 2024, the closure of the Slovak embassies in Denmark and Norway, the consulates general in Krakow and St. Petersburg and the liaison office in Kosovo. 

However, services for the citizens of the Slovak Republic and diplomatic relations will remain as part of operations from specific embassies of the Slovak Republic in neighboring countries.

We will continuously inform you about the current changes in our articles in the future and individually after the establishment and launch of the representative office.

Source: Press releases of MZVaEZ SR

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