Unavailability of the cadastral department (cyber attack)
The Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic informs citizens about the unavailability of the Cadastral Department and electronic services due to cyber attacks. The information system of the Office of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre of the Slovak Republic, which is used by the cadastral departments of district offices, has been affected by a large-scale cyber-attack from abroad. The workplaces of the cadastral departments will therefore be temporarily closed as a precautionary measure until the consequences of the cyber-attack have been eliminated. The cadastral [...]
Change of the booking system of the Aliens Police
The Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic announces upcoming changes in the reservation system of the Foreign Police, which since the beginning of August has faced an onslaught of complaints from foreigners as well as media pressure due to its non-functionality or inability to book appointments. The draft amendment to the Act on the residence of foreigners aims to introduce the computerisation of the processes of registering foreigners under the residence agenda, which will result in the acceleration and simplification of communication between the administrative authority and the foreigner, reducing the administrative burden and [...]
Ongoing complications with bookings
Dear clients, we bring you a report of Markiza television on the issue of reservations at the Department of Foreign Police of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic, which we informed you about in the article, dated 05.08.2024. Since that time, there have been long-standing problems with the reservation system, where it is almost impossible to get to the relevant department and the Department of Foreign Police on the specified date. The Ministry [...]
Establishment of new representative offices of the Slovak Republic
Pursuant to the press release of the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, we bring you an article about the current and most important changes in the scope of Slovak embassies. On 28 August 2024, the Government of the Slovak Republic approved the establishment of new embassies, namely the Embassy in Malaysia, the Embassy in Tanzania, the Embassy in Algeria and the Embassy in the Philippines. There will also be the establishment of a liaison [...]
Extended deadlines for issuing documents
Dear clients, this is to inform you about the currently extended deadlines for the issuance of travel and personal documents. Due to the fact that all personal documents such as passports, identity cards, residence permits for foreigners or technical vehicle licenses are issued by the National Personalization Center and due to the increased number of requests, there is a high probability of delayed delivery of documents in the normal [...]
Iran - travel recommendation
Recommendation level: level 3 - Do not travel to Iran In view of the current deteriorating security situation in the Middle East caused by the escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian military conflict and its potential impact on the wider region, we do not recommend any travel to Iran. Citizens of the Slovak Republic who are currently in Iran are advised to consider the need to remain in the country. We continue to warn of the possibility of demonstrations [...]
Pakistan - travel recommendation
Level of recommendation: 3rd level - Level of recommendation: 3rd level - Recommendation not to travel to Pakistan The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic advises citizens of the Slovak Republic not to travel to Pakistan due to the deterioration of the security situation due to the extremely turbulent and tense domestic political situation in the country in which they are taking place violent clashes between armed forces and protesters. In particular, it draws Slovak citizens' attention to the ongoing [...]
Vietnam - Lunar New Year
The Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Hanoi warns that in connection with the upcoming celebration of the arrival of the Lunar New Year (8-14 February 2024), it is necessary to take into account various, especially traffic and security restrictions, increased traffic mobility and an increased concentration of people travelling within the country in the coming days. Transport companies are expecting a significant increase in passengers. During the biggest holidays of the year, many institutions, establishments, shopping centres and cultural venues [...]
Planned outage of the reservation system
Dear Clients, We would like to inform you via a press release from the Ministry of the Interior about a planned technical outage of the Ministry of the Interior's reservation system. Due to the unavoidable planned technical outage, the reservation system, which allows you to make an appointment at the document departments, the Aliens Police or the Cadastre, will not be available from 9 am to approximately 1 pm on Thursday, 25 January 2024. All users of e-services [...]
Outage of electronic services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Dear Clients, We would like to inform you by means of a press release of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic about the current outage of electronic services (e-services) of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic. The outage of e-services may also affect the reservation system of the Border and Aliens Police Department. The Ministry of the Interior informs that it is working intensively on the [...]